Friday, June 10, 2011

31 weeks down.. 9 or less to go!

Baby (unnamed) girl was 31 weeks this past Wednesday.  Ok, so is anyone else a little freaked out by how fast this pregnancy has gone by?  I am!  We have 9 (hot, uncomfortable) weeks left to go.  We still have some things to get for her, wash everything and organize, paint her room and put everything together annnnd refinish her dresser and clean it up.  All this in between a visit to Oklahoma, Ava's everyday routine, my complaining (Sorry, Tommy:) ), work for both Tommy and I and school!  It's going to go by SO fast!  I'm not complaining about that, though!  I can't wait for our little one to get here! 

A little update on us:  I've been having some painful contractions here and there, but nothing regular or too painful.  Mainly just a lot of braxton hicks.  I can't decide if I think she is going to come early or not.. we'll see once we get a little closer to D-day!  I've gained 20lbs so far.  Not horrible, but I'm not jumping for joy yet as we do still have 9 weeks left to grow...and because I physically can't..  My appetite has gone down a lot! I starve no matter what I eat early in the day, then by the time dinner comes, I'm so uncomfortable, food is the last thing on my mind!

Over the last 3 weeks or so, my pelvic bone pops in and out of place a million times a day.  Imagine if you cracked your knuckles every time your fingers moved.. that's pretty much what happens anytime I walk, try to get up or roll over in bed.  Not the most comfortable thing in the world.  I literally can't walk upright for the first 10 minutes of everyday because it's so sore from popping throughout the night.  Oh, you can actually *hear* the popping, too.. It's lovely :)

Baby girl has been more active then ever the last week or so.  She's always been pretty laid back and has a "calm" about her, she's just rolling more now and getting bigger, so I guess I'm feeling it more.  I love all the distorted shapes she makes my belly at night!

All joking and complaining aside, I've been so blessed to get to carry another child, and I wouldn't change that for anything in this world.  Tommy and I can not wait to meet her.  What a blessing children are!

31 weeks and 2 days!